Sunday, November 30, 2014


One of the biggest satisfactions I have received when I decided to go all the way in book world, I have to say has been the friendships I've made with fellow bloggers, book fans, even models and authors.  On this first spotlight I will go ahead and thank t.h. snyder (see no caps) for saying yes to someone like me, that is starting in all of this.  With that said I hope you enjoy, and share this good time with us in getting to know a bit better the amazing woman that is
t.h. snyder.

SBL:  Do you like to snack on something in particular?

THS:  Not so much snack, I always have to keep water, wine, or coffee by my side.
SBL:  What music gets you motivated?
THS:  Each of my books has a playlist that helps to pull out the emotions of my characters.  You can find these songs at the end of all my books.
SBL:  Describe what things go through your mind in the week previous a release?
THS:  Holy shit is this really happening?
SBL:  What are the hardest parts to get into, when writing a book?
THS:  Praying that I'll portray the thoughts running through my head.  The story may sound good to me, but I can only hope that the readers feel the message I'm trying to get across.
SBL:  Growing up, was writing something you wanted to do?  If it wasn't how did you came about writing?
THS:  No, I never dreamed I would be doing this.  I had an idea, ran with it, and here we are.
Pierced Love Buy Link

SBL:  As a writer, who do you look up to?

THS:  Oh geez, so many Indie Authors.  The ones that were there for me from the start are Jenn Foor and Rachel Van Dyken.

SBL:  How do you feel when new authors approach you for advice, or even to tell you that they are your fans? 

THS:  Is an honor, I've been fortunate to mentor three amazing ladies, and I can't wait to read their stories.

SBL:  Is there a writer that you would love to meet, but haven't had the opportunity to do so?

THS:  E. L. James, her books got me hooked into the reading world.

Touched Series Buy Link

Let's lighten things up a bit...
SBL:  Favorite drink
THS:  Coffee or wine
SBL:  Favorite junk food
THS:  Twizzlers
SBL:  Favorite book
THS:  Bender by Stacy Borel
Cursed Love Buy Link

SBL:  Favorite book boyfriend
THS:  Liam from Bayou Stix by Skye Turner
SBL:  Favorite author and genre
THS:  Rachel Van Dyken, Contemporary Romance
SBL:  Favorite movie genre and movie
THS:  Romantic Comedies are my favorite, not one in particular right now
SBL:  Favorite Christmas Movie
THS: Rudolph
Cursed Ecstasy Buy Link

On the personal side:
SBL:  We know you are a single mom, who helps you out with the kids when you are on book world duties?
THS:  My sister is my savior, she moved cross country with me and has been an amazing supporter and help with the kiddos.
SBL:  What ages are your kids, and what is the favorite thing you like to do with them? 
THS:  My diva is 10 and my linebacker is 5.  Just sitting and watching a movie or cuddling on the couch.
SBL:  Who is your go to person when trying to keep your sanity with all you got going on in your life?
THS:  I have 5 girls that are my backbone, I don't know what I'd do withouth Christine Stanley, Skye Turner, Michelle Witt Ashley Lighthizer, and Carrie Moore.
Cursed Heart Buy Link
SBL:  Growing up, who was your role model?
THS:  My Mama
SBL:  How was growing up in Pennsylvania?
THS:  Love it.  I was surrounded by my family and all four seasons.
SBL:  What do you do during the Holidays?
THS:  Spend time with those closest to me.

Cursed Fate Buy Link

SBL:  Other than writing, what is it that you do in your 9 to 5 job?
THS:  I work in higher education.
SBL:  I know first hand how we are able to create great friendships through social media, in this book world.  You have two PA's, talk to us about your relationship with them, because I've heard they are great ladies.
THS:  OMG Squee, I love my two girls. Not only are they my PA's they are two of my best friends.  I can run to them at any time to distress and off course, laugh.
SBL:  Do you have any advice for new authors?
THS:  Go with your gut, grow thick skin, and always believe in yourself.

Obsidian Desire Buy Link

SBL:  I haven't forgotten, talk to us about The Fight Series and any other books you are working on right now?
THS:  Just started writing Mended Love which will be the NA Romance of pierced Love 10 years later.
SBL:  Who are the faces of The Fight Series books, and can you talk to us a li'l about them?
THS:  Lance Jones is my MUSE for our twins Hank and Trenton, and Vinny Lawdenski is my MUSE for Mike.  Both models are incredible guys, and I couldn't have picked two better men to represent my characters.
The Fight, Fight Series Book #1 Buy Link
The Fight Series Teaser
Next Year Releases for t. h. snyder
The Battle - The Fight Series Book #2

The Win - The Fight Series Book #3
Mended Love
Social Media Links for author t. h. snyder
I don't want to leave with out saying something about this author, and that is that I don't only love her writing, but I also admire her for many reasons, and is a role model and an example to follow to many of her fans.  Is because of that I had my bestie and collaborator, Stacy Pritt, make this just for you. From your friends, family and closest clic, not everyone is here, but this lets you know how much we love you, admire you, and how proud we all are about your accomplishments.  May this be the first of many, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me revealing a little bit more of you to everyone out there.




Saturday, November 29, 2014


Title: Metamorphosis
Series: Siren Songs #1
Author: Stephie Walls
 Release Date: September 30, 2014


Cameron Pierce is an overachiever—CEO of Regional Bank, force to be reckoned with in the Boardroom, and beautiful to boot. At 24, an earth-shattering event set her life goals. But is she fulfilled? Idolized by those around her she’s—kind, forceful, intelligent, driven, and successful. Cam is surrounded by close friends and consumed by her career.

At first glance, Dax Cooper appears to be a playboy—carefree, cocky, arrogant, and devoid of intelligent thought but sexy with a face and a body that drive women crazy. Cameron believes in this façade when he continually manages to walk right past her gatekeeper with constant interruptions. He is everything she doesn’t like in a male. Unlike Cam, Dax has walked away from a talent and a life that had been his passion in exchange for family and friends. Unmotivated by money and a career, he too is embarking on change.

Tragedy strikes Cameron for the second time in her life. Attacked by a stranger, in an instant, her life, her psyche, and the essence of her being appear to be permanently scarred at best. If she survives the physical injuries, will she survive the mental trauma?

Metamorphosis is the story of a woman’s struggle to regain her confidence and repair her shattered life following a random, brutal attack. With the help of the man she had pushed away, she chooses the path that she will follow for the rest of her life. She undergoes a metamorphosis—not by choice but by the will to survive.

(Each novel in this series can be read as a stand-alone with no cliffhangers.)

  **Warning: This book contains sexual content and language that is not appropriate for audiences under eighteen years of age.**

Links to Buy



Author Bio

I have a serious addiction to anything Coach and would live on Starbucks if I could get away with it.  If you follow me on Facebook you'll also find that I'm slightly enamored with Charlie Hunnam.  I'm also a tad obsessed  with tattoos and have thirteen scattered on my canvas.  I'm an avid reader (literary whore to be more precise) averaging around 300 novels a  year and wish I had time to read more.

I currently work full-time in the Greenville area and fill my "extra" time (haha) with reading anything I can get my hands on and writing contemporary romance novels with a hint of erotica.  This has been a dream of mine for years and I couldn't have done it without the support of my husband and BFF Tracy who both pushed me to keep going when I didn't have the confidence  or the patience.

Author Links



Title: Betrayed
Author: Jade Kerrion
 Release Date: December 1, 2014


Marguerite Ferrara wows audiences on the haute couture catwalks of Milan, Paris, and New York, but whenever she’s face-to-face with Drew Jackson, she feels like a gawky thirteen-year-old in love with a superstar who will never see her as more than his younger brother’s ex-girlfriend.

Drew’s superstar days are long over. A car accident shattered his knee, destroyed his football career, and crushed his hopes of winning Maggie’s love. How can he, a desk-bound financial advisor, compete against the celebrities Maggie whirls through one-night stands or Tyler Lamarck, the social media maverick who sweeps her off her feet?

Links to Buy


Title: Crushed
Author: Jade Kerrion
 Release Date: December 1, 2014


Cody Hart, the daredevil black sheep of the esteemed Hart clan, should never have made it to his twenty-fifth birthday. What he hadn’t counted on, though, was his best friend dying instead of him.

Emotionally devastated and financially ruined by the death of her brother, Felicity Rivers is down to her last hundred dollars when Cody offers his help, at a price. She’s out of options, but nothing on Earth could possibly entice her into the arms of the man who killed her brother.

Links to Buy


Author Bio

Jade Kerrion writes award-winning and occasionally best-selling science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary novels anchored on unlikely romances you will root for and happy endings you can believe in. Her favorite romance is the Double Helix love triangle between Galahad—the lab-created perfect human being; Danyael—an alpha empath and Galahad’s physical template; and Zara—the woman who can wreak more havoc with love than most people can with hate
Sign up for Jade’s New Release Mailing List for news of giveaways, contests, and new releases.

Author Links



Release Date: January 6th


Bentley Celeste has everything to lose, literally. On a night she should have been celebrating, her world came crashing down. Left with no other choice, she ran for her life and has been hiding ever since.

The day Tristan turned into a teenager his whole life changed. Faced with the reality that his father was more of a child than he was, Tristan chose to forego the rest of his childhood and become an adult.

Both have secrets that could destroy the fragile foundation that Tristan fights hard to build. But what happens when the very secrets you are hiding are the very ties that will either bind or break you? Can Bentley stop running long enough to let someone in? Can Tristan start believing that not everyone he loves is destined to abandon him?

***WARNING*** This book is intended for 18+ due to strong language, violent scenarios, and sexual content. 

Pre - order links 

Book Trailer:

About this Author

Arie Lane is an avid reader and stay at home mom to two beautiful little boys. When not writing or chasing them around she is usually catching up with other Indie authors and constantly keeping up with new blogs.
She loves to connect with people and is proud that she finally had the courage to put some of her crazy thoughts into written words. From the time she started reading her nose was always stuck in a book and she's couldn't be happier that now she's encouraging others to get their noses stuck also. Even if her readers are of the +18 variety.

Connect with the Arie:

Friday, November 28, 2014


Book:Mistaken Identity, Now or Never
Book 2 in the Mistaken Series
Author:  Amy-Beth
Release Date:  November 27th, 2014

My name is Morgan and I have been tortured, abused and tormented for over six years, I have prayed for help, I have screamed for the why’s. I have fought with every fibre in my soul, but still he has won at every game he has played. 

Harry King is not a force to be reckoned with, I have shown him all my cards and yet he still holds me in my cell of a room. 

I am getting closer to finding out who Summer is and why I have had to suffer. All the players are getting into position, their final cards are about to be drawn, how many will see the light of darkness again? Its time to find out once and for all.

It’s Now or Never!

Buying Links
Mistaken Identity Book 1


Mistaken Identity Now or Never Book 2


About the Author
Amy-Beth is a upcoming new author after releasing her debut novel Mistaken Identity which was published September 2014. After reading books from her favourite authors she decided to take the bull by the horns and get the story that has been driving her crazy for years out there.

Amy lives with her partner in crime Paul in Wigan, England and have been living there for many years. At 27yrs old she doesn't stop with promoting other authors and getting their books out to the public and working in her part-time job as a supervisor.

Reading has always been a passion and every opportunity to read is taken, even when she’s on holiday. Books whether reading, writing or reviewing have always come first to everything else in her life, unless Vampire Diaries or The Original’s are on the telly. You could ask Paul he would only confirm that fact.

Amy has a love of Reece’s peanut butter cups and root beer oh and don't forget the crunchy cheetos. Never finds herself off Facebook, which then gets her P.A Lisa sending her messages to get off and get back to writing. She counts on all her friends to keep her going and blow of steam with.


Author Social Media Links



It was my first book from author Evie Harper, and am I glad I got to read it.  It is a very difficult story in the sense that our heroine, Emmy, goes through so much, and also because is a thing that really happens to a lot of people.  Story starts Emmy abducted and sold into sex slavery.  I am not giving anything away because I want you guys to experience it as I did, as blank slate.  I will tell you this is a beautiful love story, one we would only dream of, our hero, Kanye fighting with all his might against a woman that thinks she isn't worth another look her way, and he has set his mind on getting in her head that she does, and that he doesn't care what she has gone through.  If that doesn't sell you the story I will tell you what will.  Kanye is hot, to die for, and boy is he alpha and domineering, and the sex oooh!!! is of the charts hot and steamy.
Evie Harper, I have to say it was an unexpected surprise, this one, and you have gain a fan, I enjoyed the story, as well as suffered it, I wanted to murder people, and the conclusion you guys can draw from this is that not every writer is able to make you feel so strongly about with just words, and that is what make this woman a great writer.  You have me hooked, I will read You Loved Me At My Darkest - Jake and Lily's story and will certainly say that one of my most anticipated books for 2015 will be You Loved Me At My Ugliest.


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